Dental Implants

Dental Implants are the ideal long-term solution for missing teeth. The dental implant connects to your bone providing a strong foundation to build a new permanent tooth. The results are teeth that look and feel natural. At Foundation Dental we believe in making excellent dental implants affordable so it’s easy to pick the best option for your dental health. It’s simpler than you might think; we can tell you if you are a good candidate for a dental implant in 20 minutes or less.

  • Single Implants

    If you have lost a tooth we can replace it using a single dental implant. If you have a tooth that has been causing you problem after problem, a dental implant may also be the right choice for you. Your dental implant will look and function just like your other natural teeth.

  • Multiple Implants

    Multiple implants are the best treatment when someone has two or more missing teeth in a row. Implants are placed and crowns are attached providing a natural look and feel. With this technique we can use two implants to provide three or more new teeth.

  • Implant Attached Dentures

    With 2-4 implants in each arch and locator attachments we are able to hold dentures effectively and make chewing stronger. The implants hold strongly in the jaw and the locator connects to the implants and snaps into the denture. This snap in and snap out approach allows the implants and dentures to be cleaned easily and feel more natural. With locators we can convert an existing denture or fabricate new ones. With 4 implants in the upper arch we can get rid of the part of the denture that covers the roof of the mouth. This allows the tongue to contact the top of the mouth and makes food taste better.

  • Implant Supported Fixed Dentures

    A fixed implant supported denture is the best choice to replace a full arch of upper and/or lower teeth. This works for people who need new teeth for the first time or people who need to replace dentures. 4 to 6 implants hold the teeth firmly in place giving the look and feel of natural teeth. We can sometimes even use only 2 implants to convert existing lower dentures. These implants work to help your jaw bone to stay strong and healthy. Love your bite and your smile.

Book an Appointment

Give us a call at 778-400-8335 or click on the book now button below to request an appointment directly.

885 Carnarvon St
New Westminster, BC V3M 1G2

(778) 400-8335